Prof. Antonio Moreno-Muñoz
Prof. Antonio Moreno-Muñoz

Prof. Antonio Moreno-Muñoz

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Prof. Antonio Moreno-Muñoz

Universidad de Córdoba, Spain

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Antonio Moreno-Munoz is Professor at the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain where he is the Chair of the Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation R&D Group. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from UNED, Spain in 1998 and 1992, respectively. From 1981 to 1992 he was with RENFE, the Spanish National Railways Company. Since 1992 he has been with the University of Cordoba, where he has been the director of its department, and academic director of the Master in Distributed Renewable Energies. His research focuses on Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Power Quality, Internet of energy. He has participated in 20 projects and/or R&D contracts, including the management of 9 of them, and has more than 130 publications in these topics. He is currently Member of European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIP) Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) WG4. A senior member of the "Technical Committee on Smart Grids IEEE" of the "Industrial Electronics Society". Member of the CIGRÉ/CIRED JWG-C4.24 committee "Power Quality and EMC Issues associated with future electricity networks". He has been a member of the IEC/CENELEC TC-77/SC-77A/WG-9 committee. He has been a member of the ISO International Organization for Standardization AEN/CTN-208/SC-77-210. He is an evaluator of R&D&I projects for the Estonian Research Council, the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) of the National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology in Argentina and the Directorate General of Research, Development, and Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain. He is also an evaluator for European Quality Assurance (EQA) and DNV-GL. Springer Science editorial consultant. Associate editor in Electronics journal MDPI-AG. Editor in Intelligent Industrial Systems Journal, (Springer Science), Journal of Energy, Hindawi, Editor in The Scientific World Journal Hindawi, Review Editor, Frontiers in Energy Research, Energy Systems and Policy. In addition to the guest editor and a regular reviewer of several IEEE, IET, MDPI and Elsevier journals.